Attention Racehorse Trainers...

Ruthlessly Effective Fresh Feed That Skyrockets Your Team's Health & Performance In

Under 30 Days... Without Costing One Cent More!


The Big Hay & Dry Feed DECEPTION: Uncover the Truth and TRANSFORM Equine Health!

Imagine this: Your prized racehorse, trained for peak performance, suddenly losing its edge. Why?

The culprit is right under your nose—literally in the feed you're giving them.

Scientific evidence has laid bare a SHOCKING reality: Traditional hay and dry feed are wreaking havoc on your horse's digestive system. The result?

Debilitating ulcers that annihilate any chance of peak performance.

Ever wonder why wild horses, the epitome of natural grace and stamina, rarely suffer from ulcers?

The answer is simple yet groundbreaking: They're not munching on what's essentially 'dead grass' — the hay and dry grains we've been misled to believe are 'healthy.'

A jaw-dropping study at Sydney's prestigious Randwick Racecourse unveiled a staggering truth: A horrifying 97% of their trained horses were plagued by stomach ulcers.

And what did we do about it?

Absolutely nothing!

It's an unspoken crisis sweeping through racetracks worldwide, and the silence is deafening. The harsh truth?

It's not just about poor performance; it's about compromised health, shortened careers, and shattered dreams — all because of a flawed diet we've been blindly following.

It's time to confront the uncomfortable truth and revolutionize the way we think about equine nutrition.

Because your horse doesn't just deserve better — they demand it."


The Revolutionary Sprouted Barley Diet That's Redefining Equine Health and Performance — Say Goodbye to Ulcers and Hello to Unbeatable Stamina!

What Is EquiFresh?

EquiFresh: Culinary Excellence for Your Equine Champions

Picture this: EquiFresh is the culmination of the finest barley, handpicked from the bounty of Australian farms. Grown with meticulous care on food-grade stainless steel trays, this remarkable grain embarks on a transformative journey. Over five days, a hydroponic alchemy unfolds, morphing it from a humble grain to a vibrant sprouted delight.

The magic doesn't stop there. Once sprouted, EquiFresh metamorphoses into a true grass product, infused with an orchestra of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and proteins. It's not just feed – it's a symphony of nutrition that's second to none.

Here's the clincher: This organically cultivated marvel boasts an astonishing 95% digestibility, empowering horses to conquer even the most unnatural feeds – from grain to hay. EquiFresh is the game-changer that nudges energy conversion upward, unleashing your horse's inner dynamo. As performance soars, witness the spellbinding transformation reflected in a gleaming coat, visible in just 14 days.

But there's more – much more. As EquiFresh takes centre stage in your horse's diet, riders and jockeys of the highest echelon report intriguing shifts in behaviour. A 'clear head' emerges, sparking sharper instincts and focused intent.

Granted, some equine friends might take a while to fully embrace EquiFresh's brilliance. That's why we're gifting you the first seven days, absolutely on the house. Because we believe in the power of EquiFresh, and we're confident you'll see the difference.

Get ready to usher in a new era of vitality and vigour for your cherished companion.

Delivered Fresh To Your Door

EquiFresh is delivered fresh to your door each day, ready to be served to your horses. It can be kept for several days without spoiling when refrigerated.

We recommend you feed whilst fresh to maximise the benefits.

Just $36 Per Week For 3kgs Every Day

Includes delivery to your stables or property

What Do Our Clients Think?

O'Dea Hoysted

Desleigh Forster

David Murphy

Barry Baldwin

Brian Smith

Lindsay Gough

Say Goodbye To Expensive Hay & Supplements

Tired of Empty Wallets and Subpar Feed? We Feel You.

Ponying up for sky-high hay prices that deliver lacklustre quality? It's a reality we know all too well. Just last May, one of our valued clients got hit with a jaw-dropping $700-per-ton hay quote. That's a bill nobody should have to stomach.

And don't even get us started on the dizzying merry-go-round of overpriced supplements

that seem to multiply overnight. It's like a shopping spree you never signed up for.

Ever wonder about those Vitamin E and Omega 3 supplements you keep shelling out for? Well, brace yourself, because EquiFresh is bursting at the seams with both. Consider them checked off your worry list.

And then there's grain – the double-edged sword messing with your noble steed's gut. You've pondered alternatives, but let's face it, you're trapped in a nutritional maze.

Here's the thing: World-class performance horses harbour a secret, a gem they've tucked away.

They're breaking records and leaving competitors in the dust by simply infusing their diets with this revolutionary product. They're giving their all, but sharing the game plan? That's another story.

Why spill the beans, and level the playing field? Let's be real – they're not in the habit of dishing out secrets. But guess what? You're about to unveil the truth.

Imagine the edge you'd gain if you harnessed the champion's secret – a leg up before the world catches on.

So, keep reading, because we're about to lay it all out, backed by solid proof. For just a few dollars a day, you're looking at a 180-degree turnaround in your horse's health.

Your journey to equine excellence starts here.

Our Mission...

At EquiFresh, we are committed to revolutionising equine well-being, one stable at a time. Our mission is to empower horse owners and trainers with an unparalleled nutritional product that not only enhances performance but also redefine the standards of equine health.


Stepping Back to the Dynamic 1980s...

In the hallowed halls of the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame, only two equine legends have been enshrined. The first, a sire of unparalleled prowess – Northern Dancer. The second, a show jumping maestro whose name reverberates through equestrian circles – Big Ben.

Big Ben, a name synonymous with equestrian greatness, yet shrouded in mystery. This stallion triumphed with a staggering 40 grand prix victories and a purse of over $1.5 million – an unparalleled feat in the '80s.

But here's where the plot thickens: Big Ben's path to glory wasn't paved with luck alone. Beneath the glitz and glam of victory lay a tale of relentless determination and discovery.

Behind those grand wins lay a stallion grappling with serious gut turbulence. Ian Millar, the luminary who rode and owned Big Ben, knew this all too well. He embarked on a relentless quest, navigating the labyrinth of research and trial and error.

And then, the game-changer: sprouted barley. Ian Millar deciphered the hidden key to Big Ben's well-being, and it was all in this innovative feed. So dedicated was Millar to this discovery that he hauled a custom-built trailer that cultivated the precious sprouted barley, ensuring it was on the menu wherever Big Ben trotted.

So, let me ask you: Do you think Ian Millar ever regretted veering from the beaten path of convention? His story paints a picture of an intrepid trailblazer who wasn't content with the status quo.

Brilliant Training Team Get Even Better

Rewriting Racing History: A Decisive Move that Ignited Triumph

Picture this: December 23, 2021 – a pivotal day at Eagle Farm. Visionary trainers, Steve O'Dea and Matt Hoysted, made an audacious choice that would rewrite racing's rulebook – they introduced EquiFresh into their stable's feed regimen.

Steve O'Dea, a maestro of the tracks with an 18% career-winning strike rate, stood as a testament to excellence.

Fast forward to March 31, 2022 – an astonishing transformation had unfurled. A winning strike rate of 45%, an unheard-of feat by any global standards.

The story only gains momentum. As the season unfolded, their strike rate gracefully settled at an impressive 26.5%, eventually propelling them to claim the coveted Darby McCarthy Performance of The Year Award.

But that's not all. This season, they etched their names in history with their inaugural Group 1 victory – Uncommon James blazing the trail. Not to be overshadowed, lesser group and listed races saw the victory lap of Scallopini, a rising 9-year-old. And trust us, that's a feat that rarely graces the turf.

The question that lingers: Are O'Dea and Hoysted pleased with their decision to think beyond the norm? The answer resounds in every stride of their champions.

Do you notice the pattern weaving its narrative? It's the saga of minds unshackled, racing towards victory, fuelled by EquiFresh.

Group 1 Glory For Brisbane's Finest

Unveiling Racing's Maverick:

A Tale of Triumph

Step into the vibrant world of Brisbane's equestrian realm and meet Desleigh Forster, a trailblazer among female trainers. In May 2022, the stage was set for history when Apache Chase galloped to her very first Group 1 victory – the Kingsford Smith at Eagle Farm.

But Desleigh's story didn't stop there. Against the tide, she boldly acquired an 8-year-old 'washed-up' gem named Emerald Kingdom from Robert Heathcote's stables. While the world shook its head, Desleigh stood resolute, knowing the unfathomable potential she held.

Emerald Kingdom, under her nurturing, burst into the spotlight, clinching victory in 3 of his first 5 starts, including a listed race. He shattered track records at Gold Coast, leaving spectators in awe.

The saga continued as he locked horns in the nail-biting duel of 'The Archer'. The thrill of that tight photo finish had hearts racing. As fate would have it, the victor, fed on EquiFresh and trained by Trent & Toby Edmonds, clinched the laurels.

Fast-forward, and a resounding $350,000 in prize money later – the question begs: Was Desleigh's decision to harness EquiFresh a stroke of genius? The numbers and Emerald Kingdom's resurgence speak volumes.

But Desleigh's prowess doesn't stop there. Since her sensational return in October 2021, she's steered multiple stakes winners, including the brilliant Exo Lady.

Is this sheer coincidence or a convergence of something much greater? As each success story unfolds, one can't help but ponder the hidden forces at play."

Australia's Slowest Horse Get's Healthy

From Unwanted to Unstoppable: The Tale of Only The Lonely

Imagine, if you will, a horse that stood on the precipice of despair – ailing, emaciated, and with one hoof in the afterlife. Only The Lonely, a four-legged underdog, arrived from the south coast of NSW in the direst of straits.

Skin and bones, he embodied the very essence of desperation. Greg Harris, a compassionate co-owner, entrusted us with a simple plea: 'Can you coax life back into this fragile creature?'

For days, he hovered on the brink of a destiny in the great racetrack in the sky. But then, a flicker of hope emerged – a daring experiment that would reshape his fate.

We introduced him to a horse that had thrived on EquiFresh – an act of pure inspiration. Only The Lonely watched, intrigued, as his stablemate devoured his nourishing meal. A tentative nibble on the following day spoke volumes.

Slowly but surely, his transformation unfurled. A once-skeletal figure now exuded vitality. Remember, this was a horse that could have made a tortoise look like a speedster. With just one placement in 12 career races, he embodied the underdog spirit.

But EquiFresh's magic worked wonders. This sluggish racehorse, deemed retired at a tender four years of age, defied the odds. At the BJ Smith yard in Eagle Farm, a spark ignited. He embarked on a journey of revival, his strength mounting with every EquiFresh-fueled meal.

Miraculously, Only The Lonely made a triumphant return, clinching second place in his very first race back. A Melbourne Cup Day showdown paved the way for an unexpected glory – a resounding win by an astounding four lengths at Toowoomba on November 19, 2022.

From the brink of surrender to the zenith of victory – a remarkable ascent in mere months. Though his racing days are over, Only The Lonely now basks in tranquility on the north coast of NSW.

So, ponder this: If EquiFresh can orchestrate such an awe-inspiring revival for a horse like Only The Lonely, imagine the transformative power it holds for your own equine companion.

This, my friends, is no stroke of luck. This is a symphony of countless similar tales – each a testament to EquiFresh's undeniable prowess.

The Benefits Are Amazing!

Nutritional Benefits

  • High Nutrient Bioavailability: Sprouting increases the bioavailability of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, making it easier for the horse to absorb and utilise.

  • Rich in Protein: Sprouted barley is a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle development and repair.

  • Enhanced Digestibility: The sprouting process breaks down complex carbohydrates into simpler forms, making the fodder easier to digest.

  • Low Sugar Content: Sprouted barley has lower sugar content compared to traditional grains, making it suitable for horses that are insulin resistant or prone to laminitis.

  • Hi in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The sprouting process increases the levels of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for skin, coat, and overall health.

  • Antioxidants: Sprouted barley is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin E, which can help combat oxidative stress in horses.

By incorporating sprouted barley fodder into your horse's diet, you're not just feeding them; you're investing in their long-term health and well-being.

Practical Benefits

  • Cost-Effective: Growing your own sprouted barley fodder is more cost-effective than purchasing traditional horse feed.

  • Reduced Waste: The entire sprout is edible, reducing waste and making it an eco-friendly option.

  • Freshness: You can grow it year-round, ensuring that your horse has access to fresh, green feed even in winter.

  • Easy to Grow: EquiFresh hydroponic barley fodder systems are easy to maintain, requiring minimal space and equipment.

  • Hydration: The high moisture content in sprouted barley helps keep the horse hydrated.

  • Palatability: Most horses prefer the taste of fresh sprouted barley over dry feeds.

  • Reduced Dust and Allergens: Unlike hay, our sprouted barley fodder never contains dust and mould, making it a better option for horses with respiratory issues.

  • Reduced Shipping Costs: Because you can grow it on-site, you save on shipping and storage costs.

  • Sustainability: Growing your own fodder is a sustainable practice that reduces your carbon footprint.

"Unleash Your Winning Advantage: Choose EquiFresh -Fuelled Trainers for Unmatched Success!

Our Social Media

What The Experts Say

"The advantages of feeding fodder in the diet are undeniable, especially for horses

without access to green grass"

"Fodder is a high quality forage; on a dry matter basis, it is nearly as high as grain

in calories yet higher in fibre"

"Potentially reduce the risk of colic"

"The vitamin content in fodder is also much better than in hay"

"May Increase digestibility of other nutritional components"

"The horses were able to maintain their weight on lower dry matter intakes than normal

because of the high quality of the fodder"


Unbelievable Before & After Images

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Should I Feed My Horse Per Day?

We recommend feeding a minimum of 3kgs per day which is normally 2 of our pieces. This enables you to remove 500 grams of other feed from their diet, usually hay or chaff.

You can feed much more than this which we do with our own racehorses in full work and spelling.

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Can I Feed My Horse Too Much EquiFresh?

Not that we know of, we have fed horses 20kgs and more per day and only had enormously positive results. If you feed 3kgs per day which is what we are recommending, the results will come.

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How Does It Compare To Hay In Price?

We purchased a bale of Prime lucerne hay in May 2023 and it costed a massive $35. It contained 11 biscuits that weighed just under 2kgs each. If you fed 2 biscuits of this to your horse each day, it would cost you $6.36 per day PLUS whatever else you were feeding.

EquiFresh will cost you $4.50 per day plus GST and you get over 95% digestion, huge amounts of living enzymes for their gut and all of the additional benefits. The relative feed value of EquiFresh is over 300 compared to the very best hay which is 150. Its like comparing a Datsun 180B to a Ferrari.

There is no comparison and nothing else to think about here, why pay more for dead grass when you can have fresh, living feed for your horses!

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How Long Before I Start To See Differences?

Typically you will see an appreciable difference in your horses around 14 days into feeding. Quality fresh nutrition has an immediate impact on horses and EquiFresh is at the top of the nutrition spectrum.

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How Is EquiFresh Delivered?

EquiFresh is delivered daily in a plastic crate and with ice. We recommend placing it in your fridge or freezer as soon as it is delivered. Each day just remove from the crate and give to your horse, either as an entire piece or you can chop it up.

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Do I Make Changes To My Existing Feeding Program?

We recommend that you drop 500 grams of hard feed for every 3kgs of EquiFresh. We most definitely recommend that you reduce the horses hay intake. Swapping out dead grass (hay) of dubious nature for fresh living feed is a positive step towards optimal health and maximum performance.

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Will My Horse Eat Straight Away?

Many horses will devour EquiFresh the very first time they see it. Some may take a few days to give it a try which is why we give you the first 3 days free.

The first time you introduce EquiFresh to your team it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you do not do it when they have a full bin. We currently feed thousands of horses globally and have found that introducing EquiFresh when they are hungry gets the best results.

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Stock Won't Last!

Unlock the Revolution: Your Exclusive Access to EquiFresh Begins Now...

If your heart races for your horse's peak health, ultimate nutrition, and unmatched performance, then EquiFresh is your destined path.

In the heart of South East Queensland, our Pimpama distribution centre hums with potential, but this opportunity is not limitless. Already, the whispers of EquiFresh's transformative magic have reached eager ears, and many allocations are claimed. However, if you're here, you've still got time.

Picture this: a realm where only the privileged few harness EquiFresh's might. A realm where peak performance and radiant health become your horse's birthright.

Here's your call to action: Claim your stake. Click the button below, and you're securing your seat on this journey. You're etching your name into the future of equine excellence.

Today marks the beginning – and you're poised to lead the charge.

EquiFresh Delivery Offer

EquiFresh is now available for daily delivery directly to your stable!

  • Like 'Hello Fresh' for horses

  • Delivered fresh to your house or stables, every day

  • Can store in your fridge or freezer for split feeding times

  • No lock in contracts, you can cancel anytime

  • One low price each week, no surprises

  • Guaranteed fresh every time!

  • Available for order now

  • Strictly limited supply, act today

EquiFresh: The Distinct Choice of Owners Who Demand Exceptional Performance

Please send your owners to this page so we can educate and welcome them

EquiFresh Pty Ltd

18 Hotham Creek Rd

Pimpama, Queensland 4219

M: 0407 789 356

